How concept computer use the internet(P2)
The Internet is a worldwide network of computers that can send data over long distances in short periods of time. The goal of business is to make profits, which requires efficiency and productivity. Companies can use the Internet to boost efficiency in many ways. Some other companies have business models that are completely reliant upon the Internet, not only concept computer

Advertising is another way business use the Internet. Web pages are essentially like billboards that are transmitted right into the homes of consumers. Concept computer create their own for their business so that customer can buy their products or visit their website. An advantage of web advertising over advertising in media like newspapers, magazines and television is that advertisements can contain web links that allow consumers to purchase goods within a minute or two of seeing the advertisement.


The benefits of social media for businesses are extensive. Concept computer actually build their entire customer base through social media channels. Social platforms are often centered around followers. Once you have a loyal base of followers, the business can really work hard to keep that group engaged while introducing new products and services. Having this audience immediately accessible is a huge benefit that was not possible before the internet existed. Internet marketing has become more and more popular nowadays among businesses around the world. After discovering the wide range benefits of internet marketing in promoting products, it has soon become the leading medium for marketing all over the world
